white computer paper (10 sheets)
2 pieces of colored cardstock (or more if you want)
single hole punch
glue gun
some type of card board or thicker paper (i used a strip from a manila folder)
some type of string (i used hemp)
fabric of your choice
1. cut the computer paper in half (hamburger style)
2. punch 3 holes on one of the longer sides
3. thread your string (or hemp) through the holes to make sure the book stays together. this will not be seen in the end but it is just to ensure the pages stay together. i threaded my hemp then tied it off in the back.
4. cut a piece of cardboard (or manila folder) about 2 inches wide.
5. cover the cardboard with fabric. i used a hot glue gun for this step.
6. glue the fabric covered cardboard to the edge of the journal. i creased mine first and just slipped it over the edge (don't forget to cover up your string).
7. place your journal under a stack of books or magazines to flatten the fabric out and make it look better.
here's the finished product, i like it!
things i will do differently next time:
-be sure to fold the fabric over the top and the bottom of the manila folder as well as the side so that there are not frayed edges on the top and bottom.
-maybe use cardstock instead of computer paper (this is really just preference)
still reading radical by david platt. it's still changing my life.
we ate feta peppers again last night- jared said they are his favorite and they went great with 3 cheese tortellini and meat sauce.
enjoy your day.